Request Your Market Activity Report
The Market Activity Report typically runs about 11 pages.
1120 S Rackham Way, Meridian, Idaho, 83642, United States
Market Activity Report
The Market Activity Report is a snapshot of all the changes in a local real estate market. It includes a market activity summary and a listing of active, pending, sold, expired and distressed properties.
Expert Valuation Report
It includes details about the subject property and the comps and adjustments made in the workflow, as well as an overview of local housing market conditions produced using the most up-to-date MLS data.
Sellers Report
The Seller’s Report is an overview of the subject property which shows the condition of the local market, presents comparable properties for side-by-side comparison.
Home Selling Process
Schedule your complimentary Pre-Listing Consultation
We love working with sellers and look forward to sharing our home-selling plan with you!

Our team of professionals will be with you every step of the way, from preparing your home for the sale, to handing the keys to the new buyer.